Upcoming Hollywood News in Music Dot Net

Music Dot Net shares with you the latest news at Hollywood music, is about AR.Rahman's Son. His six years old son, Alim sung a song in hollywood movie "Couples Retreat". The Flim is about romantic comedy, which is directed by Billingsly with the lead actors Vince Vaughn, Kristen Bell and Jason Bateman.

The six years kid complete the song in this film , after finishing the song the entire team members is amazed and they proud of his talent. AR.Rahman has introduced many new talents to Indian film industry, now he introduced his son, may his son Alim also will reach the world like AR.Rahman.

One saying in Tamil "புலிக்கு பிறந்தது பூனை ஆகுமா". So definitely he will succeed in his life.

Music Dot Net is eagerly waiting for the movie "Couples Retreat"... :)